If you didn't know already, it was election time yesterday. My presinct had a loooooooong ballot to vote on, and only one of those things was for a proposition (increasing property taxes to bnuild more schools, I thnk). So I trotted down the road, to the librairy to vote. But, in order to multi-task like I usually do, I took some book s back to the library that were due, and checked out some more.
The Story of my Life by Helen Keller - Seen her story on screen (large and small) and stage, but it is always from someone elses perspective. I'm looking forward to "seeing" things through her eyes.
Eleanor of Aquitane : A Life by Alison Weir - Eleanor of Aquitane was the wife of two kings and mother to two kings (she's the mama of Kings Richard the Lionheart and John), and ruled in King Richard's place at one point. That's all I know of her. I'm guessing since queens during the Middle Ages weren't kept track of, some of this book will be based on obscure statements in bigger texts until her actions actually ruled a nation. But I've always believed that women have played a bigger role in history than what we are given credit for.
The Journals of Louisa May Alcott by Louisa May Alcott, Madeleine B. Stern (Editor), Joel Myerson (Editor), Daniel Shealy (Editor) - Alcott is my favorite writer of all time, so anytime I find something of her's I have to read it (well buy it too). I may have read this one before, so if I find myself recognizing it, I'll probably make sure I buy it to put on my shelves. I can't say I've read everything she's wrutten, but I have read everything that has been identified as her having written it. She just didn't write "upbeat" stories like "Little Women". She also wrote under several pseudonyms and anonymously, as women were't supposed to write about some of the subjects that she wrote about during her day (
think sex, drugs...no rock-n-roll).
Lord John and the Private Matter by Diana Gabaldon - This author's "Outlander" series was recommended to me by someone who saw me reading R. Garcia y Robertson's War of the Roses series. As I couldn't find "Outlander" in the library, even though it had a status of checked in (I hate it when people hide things, obviously they don't know that they can reseve books in the libriary), I picked up this one to give myself a feel of the author's writing. It is an offshoot of the series I'd like to read.
The Sea of Trolls by Nancy Farmer - Another case of the book I really wanted couldn't be found (The House of the Scorpion), so I picked up another of this author's books in it's place. Imagine hubby's delight that I brought home a Viking fiction book. Now imagine my daughter's delight when that same book is discovered to have been written towards her age group. This will probably be a quick read for me, as it is written at a Jr. High level, but after readign the first chapter last night, I'm looking forward to it.