And the consentrated poop from hell...ugh!
I think I've ddetermined the real reason for contipation. It's to get you ready for those long hours of pushing when you're in labor. Admit it body...that's the real reason.
I've got myself a 'tree hugger' friendly bottle, this past weekend, to carry a drink (usually water) around with me everywhere. I filled it with ice and water this morning and by 2 pm, it has not sweated and is still rocking the ice cold goodness! Thermos brand, how I love thee. Now if only my kids would quit losing you, so I can get you for their lunches.
Tuesday: Holy cow! I thought my tummy was done expanding for the week! I can only zip up my pants an inch.
Wednesday: Rough day. Woke up with 'morning' sickness that lasted all day. And I'm tired. And whiney. I just want to curl up in bed with a book. Same on Thursday and Friday.
Saturday: Felt better today. After spending the morning shopping for clothes for TeenGirl, I spent the rest of the day either trying to read, stitch, or play on the computer. Didn't accomplish much of anything.
Sunday: Clam Chowder for supper! Plus I made enough for leftovers. My family better not eat it all while I'm at work Monday.
Like: Peaches, Black cherries, 11 hours of sleep a night, Poise
Dislike: Chocolate (WHF!), Necterines and any other tart fruit, lemonade (use to be the staple of my drinks at work)Craving: Cheese, Potatoes, Cheese Enchiladas, sleep
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