Thursday, May 08, 2008

Thank you Jennifer Aniston...

Last week The Boy asked me how bread was made. This was part of his random question he asks everyday. (Boy do we get some doozies.) Unlike half the time, where my husband has to answer it, or we all have to go look up the answer, I K-N-O-W this one.

See back when hubby and I were registering for our wedding (it'll be 10 years, later this year), he found a breadmaker and pointed it out to me. After ducking my swing at him, I informed him that I was the breadmaker and just where he could put the automatic one. Over the years, bread making has dwindled off a little, as the amount of hand kneading puts a lot of strain on my injured wrists, and have hinted loudly that a certain mixer would ensure more bread being made (i.e. posted large signs all over the house stating, "You can get me a KitchenAid mixer for my birthday and nothing else. Just make sure it has all the attachment, like the dough hook"). This has not happened yet, but my mom bought one for herself as a Thanksgiving present, and borrow it all the time.

So I told The Boy we would make bread this weekend, and Saturday we picked up the mixer from my mom and baked away on Sunday. The Boy did all the work, all I did was help him measure and put in/take out of the oven. By Sunday night we had 1 loaf of bread, a dozen-ish clover rolls, a dozen cinnamon rolls, and a 5 year old all sort of proud of himself. Now I'd like to share a picture of the result with you, but their gone. All we have left, as of last night, was half a loaf of bread. But he wants to make more cinnamon rolls this weekend and we did promise grandma some baked good for letting us borrow the mixer, so I'll get pictures of those.

And none of that has anything to do with Jennifer Aniston does it...
Mid-day on Tuesday I had realized that I had had a headache for 3 days. As it wasn't the usual migraine pain, that was ruled out. It took me rubbing my scalp and realizing, it was my hair! You know how when you pull your hair into a ponytail, how you scalp hurts when you take it out at the end of the day? Now imagine having that ponytail but you can't take it out...everyday.
I had it cut a year ago to my shoulder and it has grown this much in the past year.
So, I decided it was time to get the hair cut. Besides we're starting to get into summertime here, and we'll be hitting the 90s by this weekend. So after dropping The Boy off at home (and weighing myself), I headed to the hair salon and told them to chop it off.

So thank you, Jennifer, for you "Friends" haircut, 'cause it looks good on me (not that you can tell by the picture). I know it's a little shorter than the original, but, again, it's summer. And it will grow fast.

By the way....that is 3 pounds of hair gone!
Headache...well not completely gone. But at least I know it's not from the weight of my hair.


Chiloe said...

Eh! That's a great way to loose weight !!! lol Nice blog by the way ;-)

Rene la Frog said...

Boy do I know about the Hair Headache...I actually do get headaches from it. About 6 weeks ago I got tired of my long hair and cut it myself. I cut off about 14 inches (from the middle of my butt to the middle of my back). I may go shorter before this summer is over. Your hair looks great!