Monday, October 02, 2006

Poll Results and Another Finish (or 2)

Thank you everyone who helped me pick the fabric for a name tag. The two most popular choises were Lavendar Bliss and Coffee, with Coffee having twice as many votes. So I start the name tag last night and am about 50% completes on it. I should have done in the next couple of days.

Also, although I don't have a picture up yet, I completed "Snowcones". I'll get that picture up tonight. I need to get it out of the bag I carry with me everywhere. I am also almost done with my choice for a tree ornament. However, I'm waiting to finish the beads on the nametag, before I decide which beads to use on the ornament. I don't know if I have enough in my stash or if I'll have to drive the distance to the LNS. I already know that the craft stores near me do not have it.

2 weeks until I'm on a plane to Myrtle Beach.

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